Is this what your employee looks like when they answer a question?

The Past…

Hopefully, you’ve drug tested and background screened that new employee before you hired them. That’s a smart move for sure.

The Future…

So far you’ve done your best to weed out any bad apples that may want to associate with your business, group or organization.
However, what may the future hold? Do you know if this is a person who may have a propensity in the future for bad behaviors that
can be costly to you such as:

  • Lying/Cheating
  • Corporate Espionage
  • Embezzlement
  • Stealing Property
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Laziness
  • Tardiness
  • Bullying
  • Other Costly Behaviors…

The Now & The Know…

It is now possible at an incredibly reasonable cost to utilize the same tools that Fortune 500 and major professional sports
leagues such as the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and MLS use to evaluate new personnel —- at a cost that you can’t afford to say no to.
Your investment cost in hiring the people is just as important as theirs. Be assured that the list above of potential hiring
hazards is far more costly than our 20 minute Online Integrity Assessment and as a FREE bonus to your organization, Aptitude Assessments.

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The Science

Integrity testing involves a series of questions, some similar in nature to others, that simply asks a person to select from
options or provide a written description of their personal use in the past, regarding issues such as use of drugs or alcohol
on the job, theft from employers, general attitude toward employers, etc.

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The Value

The administration of a well designed assessment can be accomplished quickly, usually in about 20minutes. The results are given
and validated in almost instantaneous fashion. How will this benefit business people?

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